Monday, February 28, 2011

"United We Bargain: Divided We Beg"

Great pics from rallies to support labor in the U.S.

Happy Monday, all.

In case you missed how this is just another move in the erosion of our democracy brought to you by the uber-wealthy, see here.

Organized labor is the only thing standing between the rich, who create nothing and own everything, and us...

The uber rich buy our politicians...
The uber rich control our banks...
The uber rich decide whether or not we will breathe clean air or have safe water...
The uber rich decide who lives and dies because of their strangle-hold on insurance companies...
The uber rich own the media that continues to pit us against one another (*6* companies own 90% of every kind of media on *the planet.* *6.*)...

The uber rich *are* the enemy in our own midst...

PS: From a blogger at Daily Kos:

Here's a side-by-side comparison of federal budget proposals Democrat vs. Republican.
If you are a member of the GOP, how do you sleep at night?

Uploaded with


Sunday, February 27, 2011

How to Stump a Climate Change Denialist


Friday, February 25, 2011

Wealth Distribution, Taxes, and Who's Paying for *Everything*

For an excellent, comprehensive read (with colorful pictures!) see this story from MotherJones.

It clearly shows who has benefited and who has been damaged by the economic policies of our Government in the last 40 years+.

Happy Friday, all.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How to Make Sure Your Tax Dollars Don't Pay for Abortions

This is how the defunding of a medical-provider for low-income women proves the depths to which the GOP has sunk:

Loony logic seems about right...

PS: A bill has been proposed in the GA legislature that would make miscarriages punishable by the death penalty... yes, you read that right.

"Under Rep. Franklin's bill, HB 1, women who miscarry could become felons if they cannot prove that there was 'no human involvement whatsoever in the causation' of their miscarriage."


Monday, February 21, 2011

"What Conservatives Really Want"

My words aren't there these days, so I defer to others with *much* greater talent.

For an excellent psychological and sociological deconstruction of Conservative Destructionism, see this article by George Lakoff, "What Conservatives Really Want."

Truer words are rarely written... their destruction of the middle class, women's health rights, the environment, and public media will be the end of American democracy as we have known it...


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