While I have been on my hiatus, a flowery way to say that I am up to my armpits in grade-grubbing students*-- it seems that the wingnuttery continues to obfuscate and obstruct (much like an unpleasant colon-ary blockade). SS. DD.
They still lie about the most basic of all things: Math. I wonder why they always want to gut education first?
No one says it better than Johnny S:
Thanks, John, for pointing out yet more shyte from the "mouthpiece" of the right. That's just gross. Sorry.
I suppose if you want to argue that the "Earlier" in the upper left hand corner is sufficient, think about the average critical thinking skills of a Hannity viewer. Earlier is indeed earlier-- two MONTHS earlier.
On a lighter note, only four more weeks in the semester... I don't think I have read this much bad prose, tortured English, and terrifyingly bad syntax since I stopped reading the
Freeper back in February. If the future of the world depends on whether or not people are able to construct a simple declarative sentence... it's all over. Trust me.
*Literally, I gave one graduate student *1* point just to shut him up. He's "concerned" because he has a 90.1% in the class... an 'A'. WTF?